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C2F6: play_sound_effect_pointer
play_sound_effect_pointer C2F6 LD HL,(sound_effect_pointer) load sound_effect_pointer into HL as address to copy sound data from
play_sound_effect_in_HL C2F9 LD DE,sound_effect_temp copy ten bytes from address in HL to sound_effect_temp (sound effect playback data)
C2FC LD BC,$000A
sound_effect_playback C301 DI disable interrupts
C302 LD HL,sound_effect_temp load first byte of sound effect playback data into B
C305 LD B,(HL)
outer_sound_loop C306 PUSH BC preserve BC (outer loop counter)
C307 LD HL,$C2E9 load second byte of sound_effect_temp data into B
C30A LD B,(HL)
middle_sound_loop C30B PUSH BC preserve BC (middle loop counter)
C30C LD B,$04 set B to four as loop counter
C30E LD HL,$C2EA set HL to third byte of sound_effect_temp data
inner_sound_loop C311 PUSH BC preserve inner loop counter
C312 PUSH HL preserve HL
C313 LD B,(HL) load byte at HL into B as delay
C314 CALL sound_playback_delay_routine call sound_playback_delay_routine
C317 LD A,(port_FE_output_byte) load port_FE_output_byte into A
C31A XOR $30 XOR with 00110000 (flip bits 4 and 5)
C31C LD (port_FE_output_byte),A write result back to port_FE_output_byte
C31F OUT ($FE),A output value to port $FE (ULA sound and border)
C321 POP HL restore HL
C322 INC HL increment HL to point to the next byte in the data block
C323 POP BC restore inner loop counter
C324 DJNZ inner_sound_loop loop back to inner_sound_loop for 4 iterations
C326 POP BC restore middle loop counter
C327 DJNZ middle_sound_loop loop back to middle_sound_loop
C329 LD B,$04 set B to four
C32B EX DE,HL swap HL and DE (so DE = C2EE)
C32C LD HL,$C2EA set HL to C2EA
sound_delay_addition_loop C32F LD A,(DE) add byte at address in HL to byte at address in DE and store result at address in HL
C330 ADD A,(HL)
C331 LD (HL),A
C332 INC DE increment DE and HL
C334 DJNZ sound_delay_addition_loop loop back to sound_delay_addition_loop three times
C336 POP BC restore outer loop counter
C337 DJNZ outer_sound_loop loop back to outer_sound_loop
C339 RET return
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