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ACC6: routine22
Used by the routine at routine21.
routine22 ACC6 LD HL,cursorsprite0 set system variable "UDG" to cursorsprite0
ACC9 LD ($5C7B),HL
ACCC CALL routine41 call routine at routine41
ACCF PUSH BC preserve BC
ACD0 CALL $02BF call KEYBOARD in Spectrum ROM
ACD3 CP $53 compare value returned with $53 (letter S)
ACD5 POP BC restore BC
ACD6 CALL Z,routine23 call routine at routine23 if "S" was pressed
ACD9 CP $30 jump to back to routine22 if "0" was not pressed
ACDB JR NZ,routine22
ACDD CALL routine50 call routine at routine50
ACE0 HALT wait for two interrupts
ACE2 CALL clear_bottom_row call routine at clear_bottom_row
ACE5 LD HL,sound_effect_14 set HL to address of sound effect at sound_effect_14
ACE8 CALL play_sound_effect_in_HL call play_sound_effect_in_HL
ACEB EI enable interrupts
ACEC RET return
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