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96D1: routine07
Used by the routine at display_wizard_spell_range.
routine07 96D1 PUSH BC stack BC
96D2 LD HL,sound_effect_02 set HL to address of sound effect at sound_effect_02
96D5 CALL play_sound_effect_in_HL call play_sound_effect_in_HL
96D8 EI enable interrupts
96D9 LD B,$FF set B to 255 as outer loop counter
routine07_0 96DB PUSH BC stack outer loop counter
96DC LD B,$3C set B to 60 as inner loop counter
routine07_1 96DE DJNZ routine07_1 loop 59 times
96E0 POP BC restore outer loop counter
96E1 DJNZ routine07_0 loop back to routine07_0 254 times
96E3 POP BC restore BC
96E4 INC C increment C and return
96E5 RET
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