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9975: CreatureCast spell
Used by the routines at routine06 and routine08.
creature_cast_spell 9975 LD A,$01
9977 LD (unknown11),A
997A LD A,(computer_player_flag)
997D OR A
997E JR NZ,creature_cast_spell_0
9980 CALL routine13
9983 RET
creature_cast_spell_0 9984 CALL routine55
9987 LD A,$03
9989 LD (unknown18),A
998F CP $22
9991 JP M,creature_cast_spell_1
9994 LD A,$0D
9996 LD (unknown18),A
This entry point is used by the routine at routine77.
creature_cast_spell_1 9999 CALL routine60
creature_cast_spell_2 999C CALL routine61_0
999F CP $4B
99A1 JR NZ,creature_cast_spell_3
99A3 LD A,$00
99A5 LD (unknown10),A
99A8 RET
creature_cast_spell_3 99A9 CALL OFBORD
99AC JR Z,creature_cast_spell_2
99AE CALL routine14
99B1 JR NZ,creature_cast_spell_2
99B3 LD HL,(object_table_entry_pointer)
99B6 LD A,(HL)
99B7 OR A
99B8 JR Z,creature_cast_spell_4
99BA LD DE,$0141
99BE LD A,(HL)
99BF CP $04
99C1 JR NZ,creature_cast_spell_2
creature_cast_spell_4 99C3 CALL display_wizard_spell_range
99C6 CALL routine20
99CC CP $22
99CE JP P,creature_cast_spell_5
99D1 CALL get_random
99D4 CP $02
99D6 JP P,creature_cast_spell_5
99D9 LD A,$01
99DB LD (unknown02),A
This entry point is used by the routine at routine77.
creature_cast_spell_5 99DE CALL routine09
99E1 LD A,(spell_success_flag)
99E4 OR A
99E5 CALL NZ,routine16
99E8 LD A,$00
99EA LD (unknown02),A
99ED CALL routine11
99F0 RET
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