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95C7: routine06
Used by the routine at CAST_S.
routine06 95C7 CALL CLS call CLS
95CA CALL set_IM2_mode switch to interrupt mode 2
95CD CALL routine50 call routine50 ???
95D0 HALT do nothing for two video frames
95D2 LD A,$00 set current_player to zero
95D4 LD (current_player),A
routine06_0 95D7 LD HL,unknown_table_3 set HL to address of unknown_table_3
95DA LD A,(current_player) add current_player to address as offset
95DD LD D,$00
95E1 LD A,(HL) load at HL into A
95E2 BIT 4,(HL) if bit 4 is set then jump to routine06_6 ???
95E4 JP NZ,routine06_6
95E7 CALL routine12 else call routine12 ???
95EA CALL get_player_controlled_flag if player is computer controlled then jump to routine08
95EE JP NZ,routine08
95F1 LD HL,cast_table else set HL to the sixteen byte table used by CAST_S ??? and add current_player as an offset ???
95F4 LD D,$00
95F6 LD A,(current_player)
95F9 LD E,A
95FB LD A,(HL) copy byte from table into CURSP
95FF OR A if zero then jump forward to routine06_6
9600 JP Z,routine06_6
9603 CALL GETHIS call GETHIS which updates HISPEL and returns with the address of the player's spell table in HL
9606 LD B,$13 set B to 19 as a loop counter
9608 LD A,(CURSP) if CURSP equals one then jump forward to routine06_3
960B CP $01
960D JR Z,routine06_3
routine06_1 960F LD E,(HL) load spell number from the address in HL into E
9610 CP E if the spell number in E is equal to CURSP then jump forward to routine06_2
9611 JR NZ,routine06_2
9613 LD (HL),$00 else zero that entry in spell table (two bytes) and jump out of loop to routine06_3
9615 JR routine06_3
routine06_2 9617 INC HL address to move on two bytes to next spell in player's spell table
9618 INC HL
9619 DJNZ routine06_1 loop back to routine06_1 18 times
routine06_3 961B CALL CHAN_C call CHAN_C ???
961E CALL display_wizard_spell_range Display wizard name, the spell being cast, and spell casting range
9621 CALL wait_key_seed wait for a keypress
9624 CALL clear_bottom_row clear bottom of screen (line 22)
9627 LD HL,illusion_table set HL to cast_table+8 (second half of 16 byte table used by CAST_S) ???
962A LD D,$00 add current_player as offset in table
962C LD A,(current_player)
962F LD E,A
9630 ADD HL,DE
9631 LD A,(HL) copy byte at offset into unknown02 ???
9632 LD (unknown02),A if byte is non zero then jump forward to routine06_4
9635 OR A
9636 JR NZ,routine06_4
9638 CALL get_random else get a random number from 0 to 9 in A
963B LD HL,casting_chance load casting_chance into E, increment it, and compare with random value
963E LD E,(HL)
963F INC E
9640 CP E
9641 JP M,routine06_4 if casting_chance + 1 is greater than random value then skip to routine06_4
9644 LD A,$00 else set spell successful flag to zero and skip forward to routine06_5 ???
9646 LD (spell_success_flag),A
9649 JP routine06_5
routine06_4 964C LD A,$01 set spell successful flag to one
964E LD (spell_success_flag),A
9651 LD A,(spell_chaos_law) add spell_chaos_law to CH_LAW and store result in CH_LAW ???
9657 ADD A,(HL)
9658 LD (HL),A
routine06_5 9659 LD L,(IX+$05) load call address for spell from spell table into HL (IX set by earlier call to CHAN_C)
965C LD H,(IX+$06)
965F LD ($9663),HL overwrite the address of the following CALL instruction (self modifying code)
spell_cast_function_call 9662 CALL creature_cast_spell call CreatureCast spell
routine06_6 9665 CALL clear_bottom_row clear bottom of screen (line 22)
This entry point is used by the routine at routine08.
routine06_7 9668 LD HL,STRENG set HL to address of STRENG and call routine01 ???
966B CALL routine01
966E LD HL,current_player increment current_player variable
9671 INC (HL)
9672 LD A,(NO_PLA) if current_player equals NO_PLA then return else loop back to routine06_0
9675 CP (HL)
9676 JP NZ,routine06_0
9679 RET
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