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97A3: routine11
routine11 97A3 CALL clear_bottom_row call clear_bottom_row to clear line 22 of the display
97A6 LD A,(spell_success_flag) jump to routine11_0 if spell successful flag is set
97A9 OR A
97AA JR NZ,routine11_0
97AC LD A,$43 set ATTR-T to bright magenta on black
97AE LD ($5C8F),A
97B1 LD A,$54 Print spell_fails_string at coordinates (0,22)
97B3 LD BC,$1600
97B9 JR routine11_1 jump to routine11_1
routine11_0 97BB LD A,$47 set ATTR-T to bright white on black
97BD LD ($5C8F),A
97C0 LD BC,$1600 Print spell_succeeds_string at coordinates (0,22)
97C3 LD A,$55
routine11_1 97C8 LD B,$64 set loop counter to $64
routine11_2 97CA HALT HALT
97CB DJNZ routine11_2 loop back to routine11_2 ninety-nine times (pause for two seconds)
97CD RET return
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