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0F1F: get_keypress.
get_keypress 0F1F CALL scan_keyboard Scan the keyboard.
0F22 AND A Loop until a key is pressed.
0F23 JR Z,get_keypress
0F25 PUSH AF Preserve the key code on the stack.
0F26 LD B,$64 Set B to 100 as a loop counter.
get_keypress_0 0F28 PUSH BC
get_keypress_1 0F29 CALL scan_keyboard Scan the keyboard.
0F2C AND A Loop until no key is pressed.
0F2D JR NZ,get_keypress_1
0F2F POP BC Loop 100 times.
0F30 DJNZ get_keypress_0
0F32 POP AF Restore the original key code in A and return.
0F33 RET
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