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1B8A: datatype_and_hardware: Parse Datatype and Hardware command.
datatype_and_hardware 1B8A CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get number of arguments.
1B8D CP $32 If not '2' jump to illegal_operand.
1B8F JP NZ,illegal_operand
1B92 CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get length of datatype string.
1B95 CP $35 If not '5' jump to not_spectrum.
1B97 JP NZ,not_spectrum
1B9A CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get first character of datatype.
1B9D CP $42 If not equal to 'B' or 'M' jump to illegal_type.
1B9F JR Z,legal_type
1BA1 CP $4D
1BA3 JP NZ,illegal_type
legal_type 1BA6 LD (OELVariable10),A Store type in OELVariable10.
1BA9 CALL OELRoutine17 Get next four characters of datatype string. Jump to not_spectrum if not equal to "SPEC".
1BAC CP $53
1BAE JP NZ,not_spectrum
1BB1 CALL OELRoutine17
1BB4 CP $50
1BB6 JP NZ,not_spectrum
1BB9 CALL OELRoutine17
1BBC CP $45
1BBE JP NZ,not_spectrum
1BC1 CALL OELRoutine17
1BC4 CP $43
1BC6 JP NZ,not_spectrum
1BC9 CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get length of hardware string.
1BCC CP $33 If not '3' jump to illegal_operand.
1BCE JP NZ,illegal_operand
1BD1 CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get first character of hardware.
1BD4 CP $31 If equal to '1' jump to size_starts_with_1.
1BD6 JR Z,size_starts_with_1
1BD8 CP $34 Else if not '4' jump to illegal_size.
1BDA JP NZ,illegal_size
1BDD LD A,$30 Set OELVariable11 to 48
1BDF LD (OELVariable11),A
1BE2 LD A,($5CB5) If P_RAMT is less than $8000 jump to too_large.
1BE5 BIT 7,A
1BE7 JP Z,too_large
1BEA CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get second character of hardware.
1BED CP $38 If equal to '8' jump to size_ok, else fall through to illegal_size.
1BEF JR Z,size_ok
illegal_size 1BF1 LD HL,illegal_size_message Display illegal_size_message and jump into page decode loop.
1BF4 CALL display_error
too_large 1BF7 LD HL,too_large_message Display too_large_message and jump into page decode loop.
1BFA CALL display_error
not_spectrum 1BFD LD HL,not_spectrum_message Display not_spectrum_message and jump into page decode loop.
1C00 CALL display_error
size_starts_with_1 1C03 LD A,$10 Set OELVariable11 to 16
1C05 LD (OELVariable11),A
1C08 CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get second character of hardware.
1C0B CP $36 If not '6' jump to illegal_size.
1C0D JP NZ,illegal_size
size_ok 1C10 CALL OELRoutine17 Call OELRoutine17 to get last character of hardware.
1C13 CP $4B Return if equal to 'K' or 'k'
1C15 RET Z
1C16 CP $6B
1C18 RET Z Else fall through to illegal_operand
This entry point is used by the routines at OELRoutine07, OELRoutine08, OELRoutine09, OELRoutine23, 1E1B, 1F28 and 1F67.
illegal_operand 1C19 LD HL,illegal_operand_message illegal_operand: Display illegal_operand_message and jump into page decode loop.
1C1C CALL display_error
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