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07C5: print_column_0: Write character data at column that is a multiple of 4.
Used by the routines at print_double_column_0 and print_normal.
DE holds address of character font bitmap.
HL holds screen address to print character at.
B holds the number or pixel rows to write.
print_column_0 07C5 LD A,(DE) Load byte of font data into A.
07C6 RLCA Rotate character bitmap 2 bits to the left.
07C8 LD C,A Add rightmost 2 bits of existing screen byte (part of next character column).
07C9 LD A,(HL)
07CA AND $03
07CD LD (HL),A Write result to the screen.
07CE INC H Increment H to move to next pixel row of screen bitmap.
07CF INC DE Increment DE to move to next pixel row of font data.
07D0 DJNZ print_column_0 Loop back to print_column_0 for number of iterations in B and return.
07D2 RET
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