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B755: test_pixel
Used by the routine at routine29.
enter with coordinates in BC
test_pixel B755 LD ($5C7D),BC store BC in COORDS system variable (x-coordinate of last point plotted)
B759 CALL $22AA call PIXEL-ADD in Spectrum ROM (get pixel address in HL)
B75C LD B,A set loop counter by loading position of pixel within byte into B and adding one
B75E LD A,(HL) load byte in screen bitmap from address in HL
test_pixel_0 B75F RLCA rotate A left 'B' times
B760 DJNZ test_pixel_0
B762 AND $01 return if LSB is zero
B764 RET Z
B765 LD (LOF_D),A else store $01 in LOF_D and return
B768 RET
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