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92BE: user selected "Examine board" from options in CAST_S routine
Used by the routine at CAST_S.
examine_board 92BE CALL CLS call CLS
92C1 CALL set_IM2_mode call set_IM2_mode to switch to IM2 interrupt handler
92C4 LD A,$00 set ATTR-P to zero
92C6 LD ($5C8D),A
92C9 LD A,$FF set MASK-P to 0xFF (print using existing attributes instead of ATTR-P)
92CB LD ($5C8E),A
92CE CALL routine50 call routine50 ???
92D1 EI enable interrupts and wait for the next interrupt
92D3 LD A,$03 set P-FLAGS to $03 (OVER mode).
92D5 LD ($5C91),A
92D8 CALL wait_no_key_seed wait for no key to be pressed
examine_board_0 92DB CALL routine41 call routine41 ???
92DE CALL $02BF call KEYBOARD routine in ROM returning character code in A
92E1 CP $30 if A equals '0' then jump to examine_board_1
92E3 JR Z,examine_board_1
92E5 CP $49 else if A equals 'I' then jump to display_object_info
92E7 CALL Z,display_object_info
92EA JR examine_board_0 else jump back to examine_board_0
examine_board_1 92EC DI disable interrupts
92ED LD HL,s_cursor_sprite set UDG system variable to address of S cursor sprite
92F0 LD ($5C7B),HL
92F3 CALL CLS call CLS and jump back to cast_s_menu_loop in CAST_S routine
92F6 JP cast_s_menu_loop
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